09. Thought Partnership
Thought Partnership
All our services for successful implementation offer building capacity in management. In our experience, management at all levels requires practical support and guidance to successfully manage and implement solutions.
When this is part of a solution, implementation is smoother, and gets traction at a quicker rate.
We have skilled professionals, as well as Nerine herself, who are able to support and coach management in a structured way through the implementation of our technical solutions.
Most recently, Nerine, after giving the technical advice, supported this by coaching and acting as a thought partner to a CEO when implementing a restructuring process that commenced with his executive team.
As part of our presence in the labour market, we also deliver various talks, write opinion pieces and give commentary on broad strategic issues as well as the practical challenges we see in our work for practitioners.
30 Years of Accumulated Practice
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Our solutions are customised. Our services and training courses are purpose-built and based on our experience. We develop solutions on a contracted project basis for a specific problem.
We also service clients on a retainer basis for a full or tailored monthly service offering.